I learned a lot of interesting information this week during the class discussions. We discussed the topic of same sex attraction. Let me start by saying that I don't think it is wrong to have these feelings but it is wrong to act on them. I personally believe in the traditional marriage. I believe everyone is entitled to their own agency and their own opinions and I still love them and wouldn't treat them differently.
During this past week I have gained so much more of an understanding of those who have same sex attraction. I didn't realize how much of a struggle and hardship it can be for some people.
I found this class to be very interesting because I realized that there are more similarities between us than there are differences. I haven't really thought about this before but my teacher talked about how same sex attraction most of the time is not about sex but more about intimacy, feeling a sense of belonging and being liked by others. It made me realize that they are seeking the same type of intimacy and belonging as in a traditional relationship.
In the conclusion in class we walk talked about how to help those who are seeking help. We came up with the following things if someone is seeking help...
1.) Understanding them and not judging them for how they feel.
2.) Help them develop appropriate relationships with the same sex.
3.) Stop encouraging this behavior if they are seeking help.